Brand: Sunbelt
Category: Disinfectants / Deodorants
This is a foaming germicidal cleaner that cleans, disinfects and deodorizes all in one easy step. Spray it on and wipe it off. Cleans and disinfects without scouring or scratching surfaces. Kills most germs, is Bactericidal, Staphylocidal, Pseudomonicidal and Virucidal. Will disinfect Influenza, HIV-1 Virus (AIDS), A2/Japan Virus and Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2 on hard inanimate nonporous environmental surfaces. An EPA-registered product that saves time by performing two cleaning operations in one step. Fresh, country garden scent!
Product Specifications: Can Size: 20 oz. Aerosol Net Weight: 19 oz. Color: White Foam, Yellowish Liquid Odor: Country Garden pH: 12.0 Spray Pattern: Solid Cone Flammability: Non-Flammable | Areas of Use:
| Features:
SHAKE WELL BEFORE EACH USE: Point valve opening toward area to be cleaned, press down firmly and spray evenly. Wipe clean with a dry cloth, turning frequently.
TO DISINFECT: After surface is cleaned, hold can upright 6” to 8” from surface to be treated. Spray until surface is thoroughly wet. Allow to dry without wiping or allow to spray to contact treated surface for a minimum of ten minutes prior to wiping.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION AGAINST HIV ON SURFACES/OBJECTS SOILED WITH BLOOD/BODY FLUIDS on pre-cleaned environmental surfaces/objects previously soiled with blood/body fluids in health care settings (or other settings in which there is an expected likelihood of soiling of inanimate surfaces/objects with blood or body fluids, and in which the surfaces/objects likely to be soiled with blood or body fluids can be associated with the potential for transmission of HIV):