Effective for the removal of grease, oil, cosmoline from parts and other substrates. Removes ink, roller wash, adhesive, tar and certain graffiti. Effective for removing waxes, exhaust fume residue, resins and plastic residue. Also commonly used in removing decals, adhesives, and tape from windows, service vehicles, and metal doors. Carpet installers love it for removing mastic and adhesives from residual carpet backing from concrete floors. High solvency rate, and excellent degreaser.
Product Specifications: Can Size: 20 oz. Aerosol Net Weight: 12 oz. Color: Clear Odor: Orange pH: N/A Propellant: Hydrocarbon Spray Pattern: High volume mist. Flammability: Extremely Flammable as per CPSC Flame Extension Test as described in 16 CFR 1500.45. | AREAS OF USE: